Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Works

As tropical storm Gordon rolls in later this week hopefully the hot summer weather rolls out for the year.  With the chance for significant rainfall and guaranteed cooler weather we are hitting the putting greens with the works! 

Today we applied wetting agent and a growth regulator that was watered into the soil profile.  Followed by a needle tine venting the surface and a fresh mow to clean everything up.  Finished by topping off with more water to flush the profile.

Tomorrow we will be vertical mowing, followed by a clean mow.  A heavy topdress will be timed with rainfall if forecast stays true.  We try to time with a rain event if possible because it helps push the sand down into the crown of the plant.  This gets the sand off the surface and places it right where we need it!

Mowing after venting greens today

Tested out vertical mower this afternoon.  Ready for action!

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