Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Certain Shade Of Green

Hope everyone had a fun and safe fourth!  It was groundhogs day again for us on the maintenance squad.  Another day well into the 90’s with the heat index over 100.

But hey, the zoysia fairways, tees and collars are great!  Unfortunately around here we can’t ever get the best of both worlds. While warm season turf is thriving our cool season turf is dying.  Not instantly, but a slow and painful decline.  Checking our weather stations data I found we have experienced 35 days above 90 degrees since May 7th.  You kidding me?  This is after it was snowing the first week of April!

Below is a link with some additional data and information in regards to our current conditions and challenges.

Greens are still hanging in, but every move for the next 40 days must be calculated carefully.  After multiple golf events in the past two weeks the greens showed signs of bruising from intensive rolling and stress from intense heat and humidity.  For this reason we are going into defense mode and the roller will start collecting some dust in the barn.  Think of mowing as cutting finger tips and rolling as smashing with a hammer.  Painful huh?  Daily tasks have lethal repercussions if not managed properly.  Recovery is difficult and slow this time of year.  A small cool down seems to be in play for Friday thru Sunday and will be instrumental in some summer relief.  Thanks for your understanding.

Please be understanding and patient while we shower greens throughout the day throughout the summer. This practice is imperative to the plants health during stressful weather conditions.

On a completely different note we applied our first application for Bermuda grass suppression around greens early last week.  Signs of injury to Bermuda are evident now while Zoysia is still looking really good.

Another picture that shows light bronzing of Bermuda within the Zoysia in the background.  In the foreground is the edge of the green where some of the product was over sprayed a hair.  Just to show an example of how difficult this process is. There is little room for error. Fairways and tees will be completed soon.

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