Monday, October 9, 2017

Road To Recovery

Exactly two weeks after greens aerification and the putting greens are nearly healed.  This road to recovery is a process that goes through multiple phases.  It starts with multiple days in a row of rolling greens to try to smooth the surface back out.  This is followed by a heavy sand topdressing to serve as a new foundation for the putting surface.  At this point our granular fertilizer application started to kick in giving the turf a rapid growth spike.  This allows for the holes to close quicker, but is challenging to keep up with mowing.  The much needed added rain late week and the past weekend has the grasses reaching for the stars.  The perfect recipe of plant science, fertility and Mother Nature has growth out of control.  For this reason an application including plant  growth regulator was applied this morning and will balance things out by the end of the week.  This is all a great example and reminder we are consistently trying to manipulate the growth and playability of the living, breathing turf on the putting greens.  Change is constant, inconsistencies are inevitable.  Thanks for your cooperation.

13 green after this mornings mow

Close-ups showing shaggy turf and grown-in Aeration holes.

16 green this afternoon after being mowed for second time of the day.

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