Monday, April 3, 2017

Greens Aerification Nearly Complete

The event every golfer doesn't look forward to.  That time of year again for our spring aeration of greens.  I could talk on and on about the importance of this practice, but I'll let the video do the talking!

Sunday our crew started the process at noon on the practice green.  With perfect weather, we were able to accomplish finishing 10 greens.  The entire process of coring with the machine, cleanup, sanding, brushing and rolling were completed on those 10 holes.

Today, we had just enough help from mother nature to finish sanding, coring and cleanup on last 9 greens.  We will still need to brush and roll these greens when the surfaces dry out.

Thanks to all the member and golfers who are patient and understanding of this process!


1 comment:

  1. Excellent Job! As a new member I am very pleased with the transparency of everything that is being done to get the course in top shape.
