Thursday, March 26, 2020

Doom and BLOOM

Tough times right now with covid-19 affecting everyone in one way or another.  As of now, the grounds crew is still working and trying to go about business as usual.  We have took extreme measures in assuring each other’s safety and health.  From now moving forward we have split our crew into two teams, staggering shifts.  This will ensure that in a worse case scenario of a positive testing staff member and forced quarantine, we will still have one team isolated from the other able to perform at a minimum capacity on the golf course.

Going to try to do more blogs during this time to distract from what’s going on currently.  The main topic of this post is although we are pausing some routines in our lifes, Mother Nature is going to keep on going!  The plant, forsythia, bloomed on our golf course late last week.  It is easy to spot as a flowering yellow bush at this moment.  In the turf industry we use this bush as a phenology indicator for crabgrass prevention applications.  Simply meaning once the forsythia blooms it is time to get your preemergent down!  We finished our application in roughs today! So if you haven’t done so yet, it’s time. It’s recommended to time applications before a rain and is essential to be watered in with a half inch of water before it’s activated in the soil. 😉

Here is some more information for the turf nerd or just someone bored.  Missouri University has a very involved turf department that works closely with our golf industries needs in our area.  Dr. Lee Miller puts out a routine e-blast with good info for us.  Some home owners could benefit from some of the info too!  Here is the link!

Take care everyone!!!

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