Monday, May 6, 2019

River Runs Through

The sky’s  really opened up last week and looks as if we will see more of the same in the upcoming days.  5.5” rained on our parade, with multiple extreme downpours causing flash flooding and horrible bunker washouts!

Above is a picture that you can just barely see the rails of #16 walk bridge!  The creek came out of its bank on multiple holes leaving a large amount of debris behind.  We are still cleaning up debris as we have spent most of our labor hours getting bunkers back in form.

No bunker liner can protect against downpours of over an inch of rain in less than a hour. Totals for this Tuesday night event were 3.1 inches!  But do notice the minor amount of contamination in the bottom of bunker above.  Below, the bunker in the background has a liner and the one in the foreground has no liner.  Look at the huge difference in silt contamination!

The week wasn’t a complete wash though.  We did manage to mow 90% of the rough before the rain started, spread fertilizer and layed sod in areas where tree stumps were as well as some bare areas from the bunker renovation.

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