Tuesday, May 15, 2018

2 Busy 2 Blog

It’s been a long time since my last blog.  I am sure by now all of my regulars are dying for some information! Hours have quickly turned into days that have quickly turned into weeks.  I apologize for the lapse in coverage.  50° days in April quickly turn to 90° days in May!  Putting greens finally filled in with the warm up, and roughs went from an inch tall to a hay field overnight it seems.  The added odds and ends around the clubhouse has us frantically trying to catch up with times.  A rough winter has many areas around greens and in fairways showing battle scars that are apparent that they will not heal in a reasonable time.  Water has been flying trying to keep up with the extended dry heat wave that ended with some much needed rain on Monday.  I have a few juicy blog posts up my sleeve that will have some good pictures and details, coming soon!

I’ll finish this post off with my two boys I haven’t seen much of lately while working some serious hours.  The one with golf balls in both hands is trouble, watch out! The little lefty has got some talent and really enjoys getting out on the golf course with Dad!

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