Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Enter Sandman

This weeks weather is amazing!  We are focused on having the golf course in tip top shape.  Greens are rolling super quick and smooth! Bunkers raked and even a fresh cut in many areas of roughs.  Solid leaf cleanup effort this week has kept the surfaces pretty clean until the wind picked up today. Back at it tomorrow!

Anyways, recently we have been rechecking sand depths and adding sand to some bunkers as needed.  We use an alignment rod with marking on it to measure depths.  We strive for 4-6” in the bottoms with 2-3” along the slopes and edges.  Over time sand is slowly shoveled out of the bunkers from golf shots.  We continue to adjust and check bunkers on a regular basis, but the process will always be ongoing so please be patient and please inform myself or golf shop if you ever encounter a bunker liner during a golf shot.

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