Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Effective Immediately

While it pains me to join the nation in sending out my version of a Covid-19 update, unfortunately the situation has escalated to a serious matter.  The good news, at least for now, is the club is open and the golf course is open.  To support national and local efforts we have made some changes worth noting at BHCC.

Effective Immediately 

• All golfing members are encouraged to limit their trash on the golf course and keep it with you, disposing at the end of your round.

• Also encouraged to not touch or remove the flagstick during play.

• Golf course maintenance has temporarily removed all the bunker rakes and ball washers from the property.

We hope this situation doesn’t last long so we can all get back to our normal lifes and routines.  In the meantime, take care and we hope to see you all soon. One thing is for sure, spring is on our doorstep and the grass is starting to grow.

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