Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Spring Fever

This winter continues to drag along with the same weekly precipitation weather pattern.  We are getting anxious for spring and have started preparing for it.  The last of the ornamental grass plants were cut down this week.  Volunteer growth around #9 pond checked off the list.  Landscape beds have begun to be cleaned out.  Today the crew split after lunch working on more cleanup.  A few team members worked on sweet gum ball cleanup.  Just another reminder how much time and effort is spent around tree maintenance.  They drop sticks, branches, “fruit”, leaves and constantly steal important nutrients, water and sunlight from our turf grass. Today is one day of many we will gather and remove thousands of these gum balls littering our golf course.

The remainder of the crew was cleaning up our zoysia grass surfaces.  Every late-winter we apply herbicides to kill poa annua plants that try to invade our surfaces. We can accomplish this because the zoysia is dormant and doesn’t absorb the herbicides.  Fairways were completed and we used a flexible board to accurately and safely apply product to the boarder of our greens.  This will result in a pure stand of zoysia that doesn’t compete with poa.  It also removes poa populations that can contaminate our bentgrass greens.

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