Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Battle Of Bermuda

One of the most challenging tasks at BHCC is keeping Bermuda grass from taking over all of our playing surfaces.  At one time the fairways were Bermuda grass, not Zoysia grass.  Zoysia was sodded in the fairways about a decade ago I believe.  With the age of the course and the previous existence of Bermuda fairways the battle of Bermuda contamination throughout the golf course is a struggle.  Bermuda grass is really difficult to completely eradicate.

We annually suppress Bermuda contamination in our zoysia tees, fairways and greens collars.  A combination of two chemical products are applied to these surfaces. It results in mildly injuring the zoysia but severely injuring the Bermuda.  In the past two seasons we have made significant improvements in areas like #17 fairway for example. There is no "win/win" as some zoysia areas are slow to bounce back too, but we are doing our best to try and provide a consistent playing surface with less Bermuda grass.

This application was made a couple weeks ago and currently we are seeing the significance of the injury to Bermuda.

Untreated test strip on greens collars.

A close-up of the still healthy test strip next to severely injured Bermuda.

Area of Bermuda around #7 green.

Injured Bermuda around #16 green.

Please continue to share this BHCC maintenance blog with other members and golfing buddies and encourage them to follow.  Thanks for all your support and understanding!

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